Is FOLRM a registered charity in the United States?
- Yes, FOLRM is a 501c (3) registered charity with the IRS
- All donations are 100% tax-deductible
Does FOLRM has paid employees?
- No, FOLRM does not have any employees.
- All of its board members donate their time at no cost to FOLRM.
How are funds generated spent?
- FOLRM exists to support to work of LRM in Liberia
- Ninety percent of the funds generated are used to support the various programs
- The remaining 10% is used to support the operational expense such as software subscription, website, etc.
Is FOLRM Accredited?
- FOLRM has earned a Candid Gold Transparency 2023 Seal.
How can I help?
- You could support FOLRM work in LRM financially but also, most importantly, through your continuous prayers.
- If you have other skills that you believe could help support our cause, we would be glad to hear from you.